7 March, 2016

Ilmenite, base material of Titanium Dioxide

In Guzman Global we have a business unit which specializes in coatings in which, today, we sell raw materials and auxiliary products for the paint industry and the sector of Resins and Adhesives.

Nowadays we serve raw materials for coatings and auxiliary products designed primarily for the paint industry (pigments, loads, etc.) and for the sector of resins and adhesives (additives, waxes, caseins, plasticizers, etc.), always adapted to the specific needs of our customers.

Among our products, in addition to zinc oxide and iron oxides, we commercialize titanium dioxide, a white pigment that is used in different types of paint. But, what is it and from where do we obtain titanium dioxide?

It is a chemical compound that is found abundantly in nature, and which was first identified in 1791. In general, it is usually obtained from ilmenite or from rutile minerals.

Ilmenite is the base material of titanium dioxide, since it is contained in large proportions, although it also contains a lot of iron impurities that must be eliminated to be able to use it later in the industry of paints and pigments.

So the ilmenite must be treated with sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid to remove the iron oxide in the mineral. And, later, it is processed to obtain the titanium dioxide product, a white, inert substance destined for the paint industry. Depending on whether one or the other acid is used, we obtain titanium oxides via sulfate or via chloride.

At the moment, there is no viable substitute and it is the carrier of choice for all colour pigments for its high refractive index and high opacity. The titanium dioxide has many properties, since it is one of the whitest chemical substances that exists, does not discolor, has a very high opacity, with a high refractive index of light and is low in toxicity. Currently it is the most important inorganic pigment in the world, with an annual production of more than seven million tons.

In Guzman Global we know to perfection each process and treatment of our chemical raw materials, as well as its many uses and the properties of each of its components. We are a global distributor of raw materials with more than 75 years of experience, where we stand out for our innovation and flexibility.